Please feel free to contact me to correct any errors I may have made or if you would like to add any more information. If any of these are your ancestors or their families, I would love to hear from you - especially if you can add any further details or photos. This is the story of Charles Albert Evans who Ella/Sarah Cossill appears to have run away to sea with in 1856.
Note: I have used the contemporary spelling Mongonui for Mangonui where relevant.
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See the previous post for Part 1 of this story ending in 1857, where we left Charles A Evans finally buried on Paewhenua Island, Mangonui, NZ - within yards of his parents-in-law Charles and Margaret (Pourewa) Cossill's home - after being stored onboard the whaling ship Arctic since his death the previous October.
Paewhenua Island abt 1994 |
Looking down towards Pourewa's grave 1994. Is Charles A Evans buried here too? |
Charles A Evans' widow Sarah Evans (born Ella Cossill) headed for New Bedford on the homeward trip of the whaler Jireh Swift which was conveniently in port at Mongonui at the time of the Arctic's arrival with Charles' body. From there she continued on to his hometown in Northfield, New Hampshire.
The whaling ship Arctic, previously under the command of Charles A Evans, had been captained by second-in-command Peter Butman (also spelled as Beedman) since Charles' death the previous October. After his funeral, the Arctic left Mongonui to continue whaling and didn't return to Fairhaven, USA, until 1858 (some sources say 1861 - maybe there were two separate voyages. To be confirmed.)
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Whale ship Jireh Swift on which Sarah returned to America in 1857. |
Before we leave Charles A Evans to rest in peace, let's find out a little bit more about him and his family and the people who would have been in his thoughts so far from home. He is, after all, Pourewa's burial companion on Paewhenua Island, and his family are the people that Sarah returned to after his burial.
The earliest reference I can find to Charles Albert Evans' date of birth is in a history of the Thurstan family published in 1892. It gives his date of birth as 6th February 1827, at Northfield, Merrimack, New Hampshire. I have also seen an "H" used instead of the "A" probably mis-transcribed. It includes that he married Sarah Corsil of New Zealand on 6th February 1856 - a slight discrepancy with the official document - and that he drowned in the Indian Ocean January 1857 - another discrepancy, but easily confused with his date of burial.
From Thurston Genealogies (1892) |
Details of the Benjamin Tucker from Ship Registers of New Bedford, Massachusetts published 1940. Note: 285 must have been the voyage our Charles was on, which sailed July 18, 1849. |
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Whale ship Benjamin Tucker in Honolulu, 1857 (after Charles A Evans time). On her return passage from the Arctic, Benjamin Tucker encountered a storm which damaged her rigging. Captain Spencer commissioned this ambrotype depicting the damage to send to the vessel's owners. It is one of the earliest known photographs of an American whaleship. (Wikipedia) |
"Begins and ends with fresh breezes from the NE Westerly. The watch imployed in helping the cooper [?]in oil at least 1/2 past 3pm saw a [s]chool of sperm whales and lowered the boats the 4th mate struck [harpooned] and the mate also the lines got fowl the 4th mater cut and lost his whale the first mate killed his whale and at sunset took him alongside at dark one of the boat steerers and the capt had some [?] words about getting up the cutting falls the capt jumped down in the fore hold with a mind to check him but he found he had his match and got up again and called him aft he went aft and they tryed to put him in irons but cold not the irons was to small the capt bigins to cus him and kick witch John P Willard also boat steerer interfered and told the capt that he wold not stand and see Charles Evans abused the first mate then struck Willard P witch he returned back the capt had bound Evans hands with spun yarn and sent him into the [?]and then went at Willard and struck him with the irons 3 times in the fais and brused him most shamfully and sent him blow the same fat 8oclcok the capt acknowlage that he was to fast and sent Evans on duty agan and promased it shold drop whare it was the watch [?]the falls. So ends this day. Lat 3000South Long 164 W."
January 8th:
"Begins light breezes from the NE at daylight cut in the whale at 7AM finish cuting at 9AM the capat had a long talk with Willard and [you?] in that he was sorry that he had used [?] and at last after treating him sent him on duty again the watch imployed in boyling out the whale So ends this day."
"...One of the boat steerers Charles Evens got his little finger ground/jammed? off between two barrels.. . "
By November 21st Charles finger must have been in a considerably bad condition as "... The capt went on board the 'Milo' the mate of her came on board and cut Charles Evena's finger off..."
There are some other references by the log author Daniel Chappell alluding to the exploits he and Charles will get up when back on land. Some key words are indecipherable or may be contemporary references. It requires further research, but suggests that both Daniel and Charles anticipated having a good time.
"... Today I was athinking if my silf and Charles Evans was at home that I would tack him out on the Rail rode track and get some [?]long with the girls but never mind Charles we will be there soon enough to catch a [june bug?] if nothing happens... "
Charles writes his own thoughts at the end of the log as they just sighted land - which proved to be Long Island. His writing at the end of this page is uncharacteristically unclear and annoyingly difficult to decipher some of the key words. Your imagination may have to fill the gaps in the meantime; however, it clearly indicates a sense of shared anticipation;
May 30th:
"Well Dan, we are here and here we are like to be unless the new bedford ladies take the [stering?] into their hand for god almightie ...... and he has got a head wind [? ...] poor devils blowing [16?] knots [?...?...] we will send home and have [our? ] names put on the meeting house door then we can sail [?]"
On May 31st Charles added at the end of his journal entry:
"The wind is fair and prospects too
Of arriving in Bedford the first of june
It's eight o'clock and I'll retire
Dan! You may call me at three if you dare ..."
From all that Charles has written and what I have discovered about him, we know he would have been well educated, with an interest in literature and poetry. His spelling is better than Daniel Chappell's, but his punctuation is equally absent - not unusual for the times. We could infer that he was probably precise and accurate with attention to detail (neat practised handwriting with lots of embellishments when he had time or inclination). He enjoyed handwriting, as he had copied several poems and passages of prose - with his name at the bottom and occasional reference to the original poets and authors. His selections indicate either a limited choice of literature on board to copy or he was a bit of a romantic and philosopher - with wit and a wry humour. Charles has written at least one poem - an acrostic based on the letters of his name, showing an articulate and creative command of language. He seems to have a recurring comment appearing in personal notes; "Wall [well], what of it."
He must have been quite large - or at least had thick wrists if the irons were too small to fit around them. He sounds like a man who doesn't look for a fight but won't back off either. Clearly, he will say if he thinks something is wrong. Equally, he must have been able to get over any disagreements and not carry a grudge - as indicated by making his peace with the captain, certainly enough to take private dinner with him and the other boat steerers. It seems he did not let the loss of a little finger affect his career.
Charles must have had ambition and skill to have worked his way from green hand to ship's captain in just over ten years. It seems that he may have been the stereo-type whaler when anticipating or enjoying the shore-based delights between voyages, He was obviously a risk-taker or confident in his ability to stand up to any authority. He must have known that he couldn't have hidden a woman in his cabin for several years. Or maybe Sarah stowed away without his knowledge. When Ella/Sarah was discovered, Charles did the "decent thing" and married her - evidently willingly. The fact that she travelled with him on the next journey must indicate the relationship was sound and that Sarah was certainly no snowflake.
May 30th 1851 Log entry by Charles A Evans |
End pages of the book where Charles had been practising his writing. This is his writing even though he is writing Daniel's name. |
I presume this is Charles drawing as it is his handwriting. |
Charles A Evans' acrostic poem |
Timeline (continued from Part 1)
- July 4 - John Evans marries Mehitable Thurston
- October 22 - Lydia Thurston Evans born (Charles' sister).
1824: Lyman Barker Evans born (Charles' brother)
1827: Charles Albert Evans born
1829: Julia Ann Evans born (Charles' sister)
1831: Mary Francis Evans born (Charles' sister, dies in infancy, year unknown)
1835: Gardiner Thurston Evans born (Charles' brother)
1836: Sarah aka Ella Cossill born.
1837: Mary Francis Evans born (Charles' sister)
1841: Hiram Bradbury and Horace Bradbury Evans born (Charles' twin brothers)
1843: Mahala Etta Evans born (Charles' sister)
!845: Charles A Evans employed as a greenhand on the Arab.
1849: Charles A Evans employed as a boat steerer on the Benjamin Tucker.
1851: Charles A Evans (2nd mate) and Gardiner Thurston Evans (greenhand) employed on William C. Nye
1852: Mehitable Evans dies in accident (aged about 43)
1853: Gardiner Thurston Evans dies at sea (aged 18-19)
1854: Charles A Evans employed as 1st mate on the Arctic
1855: Mary Frances Evans (Charles deaf sister) dies.
1856: Sarah and Charles married at sea, Charles becomes master of the Arctic, Charles drowns (aged 29)
- Charles Evans buried on Paewhenua Isalnd
- Sarah returns to New Bedford on Jireh Swift
- July 1 - given as date of birth of Charles and Sarah's son Charles Herbert Evans in Thurston family history.
- August 11th - documented birth of Sarah's son Charles Herbert Evans
1858: May 25 - Charles Evans' father, John Evans (aged 57) marries Laura Willey (aged 47) at Sanbornton.
- July 19 - Charles Cossill, Sarah's father dies in New Zealand.
1861: June 8th - Sarah Corsell Evans marries John G Heath (More about this in Part 3)
1863 - Lyman Barker Evans dies in hospital - likely war-related
1864: Hiram Bradbury Evans and Horace Bradbury Evans both die in hospital from war-related wounds. (aged 23)
So that's probably more than anyone has known about Charles A Evans for a long time. I've thoroughly enjoyed researching him and found out a lot about whaling and a few small towns in New Hampshire and his family along the way. I got to know them all quite well through my research and was saddened each time I discovered an untimely death in the family - which was the fate of the majority of them. You wonder what kind of impact this had on the rest of the family each time there was another tragedy.
After not knowing what happened to Ella/Sarah a few months ago we now probably know more about her husband Charles than we do about her. Charles A Evans lies buried on Paewhenua Island probably somewhere near Pourewa and possibly even confused with the grave of Charles Cossill. It is wonderful that he is now remembered and is forever a part of the Cossill family. Likewise our Ella (their Sarah) is forever part of New Hampshire now. Part 3 (next post) will investigate what happened to Sarah - note: there are some clues in the timeline above.
References and Sources:
- William C Nye - harpoon for auction Could have been one of the very ones our Charles used. Just a lucky discovery thanks to Google.
- 1860 United States Federal Census
- Thurston Genealogies by Brown Thurston, Dalcassian Publishing Company, 1892)
- The History of Sanbornton New Hampshire, Volume 1, by Rev Moses Thurston Runnels (1882)
- History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, Volume 2 by Rev Moses Thurston Runnels (1881)
- History of Northfield New Hampshire, 1780 - 1905 , Part 1 by Lucy Cross (many errors so any information should be verified with separate evidence).
- History of Merrimack and Belknap Counties (1885)
- The Boston Transcript - 1861-08-08 Jeremiah C Tilton promotion to captain
- The Boston Transcript - 1939-08-26 (Dates of John Evans marriages - note that James T Evans information is also included. His details are sometimes confused with John Evans' details.) Publication title: The Boston Transcript, Publication place: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States, Date: Aug 26 1939, Page: 22 (Link will only work for "My Heritage" subscribers)
The 12th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Gives background, dates and places
New Hampshire Annual Register, and United States Calendar,
- New Hampshire in the Civil War
- New Bedford Whaling Museum Whaling Crew list data base
- New Hampshire Marriage Records 1637 -1947
- The log of the Benjamin Tucker 1849 (Check out page 24-25 if you can)
- Model of Jireh Swift and history of ship
- Buy your own copy of a print of the whaler Jireh Swift
Family Search ID Numbers and details:
1. Charles Albert Evans - K4LJ-TL3 - born 6th February 1827, Northfield, Merrimack, NH,
(Death incorrectly given as January, 1857)
Sarah Corsil (c1829 NZ -?) K4J5-324 (no marriage events - year of birth clearly incorrect)
2. Charles H Evans (1834 - ?) LTNM-5V6 (Marriage incorrectly given as 29 May 1856 Connecticut, US)
Sarah Corsell (1836 - 1907) LTNM-2B1
Charles Herbert Evans (1857 - 1930) LLC8-H9W (Sarah's son)
3. (From Second wedding details)
Charles Corsell (1802 - ?) G95N-81D
Margaret Leland (1806 - ?) G95N-DF8
John G Heath (1833-1901) G9PK-38P
Sarah Corsell (1836 - 1907) LTNM-2B1 (as above)
Wonderful work, Kay. Your persistence and skill are being richly rewarded, much to the benefit of all the whanau. Thank you!