Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Benjamin Franklin Connection

Continuing on the maternal side of our family tree . . . researching Maria Baucke (born Mueller  Muller). Forster was Maria's great-grandfather (from my reckoning).

There is quite a lot of easily found information about Johann Rhienhold Forster, but this is particularly interesting. The following is a transcript of a letter from John /Johann  to Benjamin Franklin - one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.  It is not known if Franklin received or responded to this letter. 

This letter was written to Franklin during the time he was the ambassador to France from 1776 to 1785. 

5.Observations Made during a Voyage Round the World, on Physical Geography, Natural History and Ethnic Philosophy … (London, 1778). 
6Johann Georg Adam Forster (1754–94) was Forster's oldest son,  who had accompanied him on Cook’s second voyage. Forster senior had expected to write the account of this voyage but  Cook was determined to do it himself, and Forster was forbidden from doing so by the Admiralty. So Forster  encouraged his son to write it instead. A short time before Cook’s narrative appeared, Georg Forster’s account was published under the title A Voyage Round the World, in His Britannic Majesty’s Sloop, Resolution … (London, 1777). The resulting furor led to Johann Reinhold’s imprisonment for debt and his son’s departure from England. 
7Forster had four daughters. This one was most likely the second, Antonia Elisabeth Susanna (1758–1823). Apparently,  she left home at the beginning of September, 1776, having inherited her father’s roving spirit. She worked as a governess, first in Vienna, later in Copenhagen, Hanover, Courland, and Berlin. According to one report  “she was respected as a highly intelligent, informed companion and educator, although few failed to notice her fiery pride, and refusal to bow to the social conventions of the times.”
8William Lee, who was in Vienna from the end of May until July, was an American diplomat. 


  1. I am a descendant of Johann Reinhold Forster through his great granddaughter Maria Muller who married Johann Heinrich Christoph Baucke on her arrival to the Chatham Islands. They had a daughter named Dorothea Sophia Baucke she married Te Okiokinga Tiemi (James) from a Taranaki tribe called Ngati Mutunga, their oldest Child was Kurukuru Henry Tiemi he married Rangitakina Pairama and they had my grandmother Kahu Kurukuru Tiemi.

    1. Hello cousin! How wonderful to meet you, and I'm delighted that you have found this. My family are descended from Maria Mueller's son, Johann Friederich Wilhelm (William WB) Baucke who married Catherine Eliza Hughes. Their son Arthur Herbert William (Wilhelm) Baucke married my great-grandmother Elizabeth Helen (Nel)Turner. I was delighted to find such an interesting character as Forster in our ancestry. Did you know that there is a plaque at Pearl Harbour, Manapouri, commemorating his and his son's visit to New Zealand - recognising them as the first Poles to visit NZ. I love the irony that Maria's husband - Johann Heinrich Christophe Baucke -has had all the credit and recognition for his work as a missionary, and it's actually his wife's ancestors who were here first - and somewhat significantly, too. Maria seems to have quite an illustrious ancestry. Feel free to privately email me in the contact form on the right of the blog.

      Here's the link to find more about the plaque.

    2. Kia ora cousin, its lovely to meet you to, I have been doing a lot of research on our ancestor Maria Mueller for the last 7 years, and found out she was a great granddaughter of Johann Reinhold Forster who came with Captain James Cook on board the ship Resolution. How exciting to come across another member of the Baucke family who I love so much. Yes I have heard about the memorial plaque at Manapouri. The forsters came from a family of the Lords Forresters in Scotland, and they were the keepers of the great seal of Scotland. Be nice to have a Forster family reunion lol.


      Thomas Wharekawa.

    3. Kia ora cousin, its lovely to meet you to, I have been doing a lot of research on our ancestor Maria Mueller for the last 7 years, and found out she was a great granddaughter of Johann Reinhold Forster who came with Captain James Cook on board the ship Resolution. How exciting to come across another member of the Baucke family who I love so much. Yes I have heard about the memorial plaque at Manapouri. The forsters came from a family of the Lords Forresters in Scotland, and they were the keepers of the great seal of Scotland. Be nice to have a Forster family reunion lol.


      Thomas Wharekawa.

  2. I am a descendant of Johann Reinhold Forster through his great granddaughter Maria Mueller she married Johann Heinrich Christoph Baucke on her arrival to the Chatham Islands.


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